amroc pro is coming!

It happened!

I quit my job to finally have time for the many ideas I have for this website. Sure, to improve amcoustics sustainably I have to earn money with it. But fear not; I still intend to keep a lot of content available for free!

I'm looking forward to building new tools and features. For a small amount of money you will get more value and the knowledge that you support the improvement of that value.

And the first improvement will be:

amroc pro

The current version of amroc is, like every online room mode calculator, only capable of calculating simple rectangular rooms. amroc pro will change this constraint. It will contain an extremely easy interface to model your space in 3D. When you are ready, you click some fancy "calculate" button, your model is sent to my servers, and the magic happens with the help of the finite element method.

Such calculations have always been tedious and/or expensive; amroc pro will change that for you.

Have a look at some screenshots of the prototype.

Status: Public Beta Release (last updated: October 02)

The version for the first public release is deployed to my servers, waiting to get published. Unfortunately some bureaucratic processes of my payment service provider are very slow. I am waiting to get some final document to sign before I can start.

I have used the waiting time to setup potent monitoring systems. This should help to find answers if anything goes wrong after opening the gates. I am so looking forward to the release!!

Note: the first version will be basic ("beta"). I don't want to spend too much time building something that is not publicly available. I release a 'minimum viable product' and will prioritize future features depending on your feedback.

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